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Showing posts from July, 2021

Failed to deploy OVF package. ThrowableProxy.cause A general system error occurred: Transfer failed: Error transferring file to

Error: Failed to deploy OVF package. ThrowableProxy.cause A general system error occurred: Transfer failed: Error transferring file to Solution: This happens due to 2 issues. 1.your OVA file is so big and the size of the OVA file that can be uploaded depends on how much memory is available on your system. First extract the OVA on your system by running the command tar -xvf <file.ova>. Then you can provide the deployment wizard with the OVF and VMDKs as separate files. 2.Try connecting the vCenter FQDN name to connect in browser and deploy the OVA.

SSH or WinSCP to ESXi host or vCenter Server fails with Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm

Error:  SSH or WinSCP connection to ESXi host or vCenter Server Appliance fails a message similar to: Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm (available: ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,) Solution: To resolve this issue, upgrade PuTTy to a version to 0.65 or later from

Boot Option to switch from UEFI to legacy Bios is disabled

 If you see the boot options under the VMware VM that already enabled and want to switch legacy follow the below steps. Note : The process to make the VM bootable again after changing the firmware is quite a pain. You need to create a new boot partition on an MBR-partitioned disk. Then you need to boot from a Windows-installer ISO and run a bunch of commands to create a new BCDstore, add a new boot-option and stuff like that. From vCenter Webclient:      Power Off the VM     Edit VM settings ->VM Option->Boot Options Firmware Boot option is EFI and disabled.     Disable Virtualization based security and now you can change Firmware to Legacy BIOS.     Now Power ON VM      

VMware vCLS -vSphere Cluster Services

  The vSphere Clustering Service (vCLS) is a new feature from vCenter 7.0u1 onwards.   vCLS uses agent virtual machines to maintain cluster services health.  vCLS ensures that if  vCenter Server  becomes unavailable, cluster services remain available       to maintain the resources and health of the workloads  The vCLS agent virtual machines (vCLS VMs) are created when you add hosts to clusters.  Up to three vCLS VMs are required to run in each vSphere cluster, distributed within a cluster. vCLS is also enabled on clusters which contain only one or two hosts. In these clusters the number of vCLS VMs is one and two, respectively. Number of vCLS Agent VMs in Clusters Number of Hosts in a Cluster Number of vCLS Agent VMs 1 1 2 2 3 or more 3 The lifecycle operations of vCLS VMs are managed  ESX Agent Manager . The datastore for vCLS VMs is automatically selected based on ranking all the datastores connected to the hosts. The algori...

How to Extract OVA file config parameters | Deploy OVA file using powercli

For Extracting the OVA config parameters follow below steps: 1) From vSphere PowerCLI connect to vCenter         Connect-VIServer <Vcenter IP>   2) Define $ovfPath as the .OVA file PATH       $ovfPath = "c:\ranjith.ova" 3) Get Get-OvfConfiguration :$ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration -Ovf $ovfPath 4) Now from $ovfConfig we can extract by converting to hash table as below. $ovfconfigHashTable = $ovfconfig .ToHashTable() $ovfconfigHashTable .Keys | Sort-Object   >> will list all the parameters.