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VMware vCLS -vSphere Cluster Services

 The vSphere Clustering Service (vCLS) is a new feature from vCenter 7.0u1 onwards.

  vCLS uses agent virtual machines to maintain cluster services health.

 vCLS ensures that if vCenter Server becomes unavailable, cluster services remain available      to maintain the resources and health of the workloads

 The vCLS agent virtual machines (vCLS VMs) are created when you add hosts to clusters.

 Up to three vCLS VMs are required to run in each vSphere cluster, distributed within a cluster. vCLS is also enabled on clusters which contain only one or two hosts. In these clusters the number of vCLS VMs is one and two, respectively.

Number of vCLS Agent VMs in Clusters
Number of Hosts in a ClusterNumber of vCLS Agent VMs
3 or more3

The lifecycle operations of vCLS VMs are managed  ESX Agent Manager .

The datastore for vCLS VMs is automatically selected based on ranking all the datastores connected to the hosts.

The algorithm tries to place vCLS VMs in a shared datastore if possible.

We can perform a storage vMotion to migrate vCLS VMs to a different datastore.
