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Disable vCenter vCLS advanced settings

   1. SSH into your vCenter Server

   2. Open the vpxd config file:

vi /etc/vmware-vpxd/vpxd.cfg

   3. Search for  <vcls> inside the file

   4. You will see something similar to this (if you have any other clusters that you have disabled vCLS on, you will also see them):











   5. You will have to modify this file and remove the record you do not want . In your case, you will have to delete this tag (incl. its content):




!!! If you do not have any other clusters, where vCLS is disabled on, you will have the following configuration:








In this case, please remove the whole <vcls> ... </vcls> entry. !!!

   6. Save the changes to the file.

   7. Restart vpxd:

service-control --restart vmware-vpxd

   8.Upon successful restart you should receive the following message:

Successfully restarted service vpxd

   9. If you go the Advanced Settings tab in the vSphere Client now, the changes should have taken place.


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