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Showing posts from May, 2023

Offline Install VMware Powercli and creating multiple VMs from template

  1.Save the powercli modules to any machine that have internet access: open powerchell: Save-Module -Name VMware . PowerCLI -Path C : \ Path \ 2.Now copy the module folders to offline system:  C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules 3.Save below content to createVM.ps1 file and run: ******************** # Specify vCenter Server, vCenter Server username and vCenter Server user password $vCenter="" $vCenterUser="" $vCenterUserPassword="Password" # $ESXi="<ESXI IP>" #$ds = Get-Datastore -Name 'PSG2_DS' $cloneName = "<Existing VM template>" # Specify the VM name to the left of the - sign $VM_prefix = "<NewVMName->" $vm_count = "10" # Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore write-host "Connecting to vCenter Server $vCenter" -foreground green Connect-viserver $vCenter -user $vCenterUser -password $vCenterUserPassword -WarningAct...

Deploy OVA/OVF failed with " Create Library Item A specified parameter was not correct: The provided storage backing Datastore not does not exist, the storage backing might be removed, disconnected, or no longer accessible

 Error while deploying new OVA : Deploy OVA failed with " Create Library Item A specified parameter was not correct: The provided storage backing Datastore not does not exist, the storage backing might be removed, disconnected, or no longer accessible Solution: Go to Content Library and delete the existing image items. and re-try deployment of OVF files