Run below command to verify whether the ESXi have TPM chip installed
[root@localhost:~] esxcli hardware trustedboot get
Drtm Enabled: false
Tpm Present: false
Run below command to verify whether the ESXi have TPM chip installed
[root@localhost:~] esxcli hardware trustedboot get
Drtm Enabled: false
Tpm Present: false
A general runtime error occurred. Key provider NKP is not compatible with the host . Reason: "TPM2 device is required."
Create a new Native Key Provider with "TPM" option unchecked as below:
While creating a VM on encrypted datastore as:
A general runtime error occurred. Key provider NKP is not compatible with the host . Reason: "The host does not support Native Key Provider because it is not in a cluster
Move the ESXi host to a cluster and re-try the operation
List the vSwitches from ESXI using CLI: esxcli network vswitch standard list output example: vSwitch0 Name: vSwitch0 Class...