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Showing posts from September, 2022

how to sign OVA using ovftool

1.Download OVFTOOL for windows. 2.Install the ovftool 3.Now sign your ova file using below command PS C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\VMware-ovftool-4.4.3-18663434-win.x86_64\ovftool> .\ovftool.exe --shaAlgorithm=SHA1 c:\ranjith_0127.ova c:\new.ova Opening OVA source: c:\ranjith_0127.ova

Increase vCenter Timeout settings

  If vCenter webclient timeout needs to change. Follow below steps: In the  vSphere Client , navigate to the vCenter Server instance. Select the  Configure  tab. Under  Settings , select  General . Click  Edit . Select  Timeout settings . In  Normal , type the timeout interval in seconds for normal operations. Do not set the value to zero (0). In  Long , enter the timeout interval in minutes for long operations. Do not set the value to zero (0). Click  Save . Restart the  vCenter Server  system for the changes to take effect.

SYSPREP for windows

  We can run a sysprep command to do factory reset of operating suystems. This will be usefull when you do clone of virtual machines to make unique system ID for the operating systems, Windows:  from run> "sysprep" run sysprep.exe  Note: choose "generalize" option to erase the SID. When start OS provide the system values.

Resolve "Application blocked by Java security" error

Error: How to resolve "Application blocked by Java security" error when running any applications Solution: Add application URL to Java exception list : 1.Windows Control Panel from the Start menu. 2. Double-click on the Java icon to get the Java control panel dialog box. 3. Navigate to the Security Tab. 4. Click the 'Edit Site List' button. 5. Click the Add button in the Exception Site List window. 6. Click in the empty field under Location field to enter the URL.  7. Click the OK button.