To access DCUI/Console of ESXi:
- ALT+F1 = Switches to the console.
- ALT+F2 = Switches to the DCUI.
- ALT+F11 = Returns to the banner screen.
- ALT+F12 = Displays the VMkernel log on the console.
To access DCUI/Console of ESXi:
1.Download HYTRust Keyprovider OVA from:
They give 60 day trail free deployment.
2.Deploy the KMS server.
3.Once Installation completes. Login to Entrust server using IP and login with user/password you provided while install.
4.Go to "KMIP" ->Basic ,mark state=Enabled ,vesion=1.1
Run below command on CMD prompt of windows machine:
systeminfo /s %computername% | findstr /c:"Model:" /c:"Host Name" /c:"OS Name"
C:\Users\Administrator>systeminfo /s %computername% | findstr /c:"Model:" /c:"Host Name" /c:"OS Name"
Host Name: RANJIServer
OS Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
System Model: VMware Virtual Platform
ESXCLI command can be used for verifying login (by ssh) esxi server is physical or virtual using:
esxcli hardware platform get
[root@ranjith-s1:~] esxcli hardware platform get
Platform Information
UUID: f 0x46 0xbb 0x77 0x4e
Product Name: PRIMERGY RX2530
Vendor Name: FUJITSU
Serial Number: XYZABC
IPMI Supported: true
2)Virtual Machine
When you change the esxi acceptance level:
Command: esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported
Secure boot enabled: Cannot change acceptance level to community
disable secure boot for the esxi .
a) If it's a physical server, then you need to do this in UEFI.
b)For VMs, Power off VM, VM edit settings -> VM Options tab (Boot Options) ->setting for Secure Boot. ->UnCheck
while creating VM on a vvOL datastore
A general system error occurred: PBM error occurred during PreCloneCheckCallback: vmodl.fault.systemerror
SSH to the VCSA using PuTTY or similar SSH client.
service vmware-sps restart
Could not connect to one or more vCenter Server systems:https://VCIP:443/sdk
service-control --stop --all
service-control --start --all
For windows:
Get-FileHash <FIle> -Algorithm SHA256
For Linux:
sha256sum <File name>
For windows:
Get-FileHash <File> -Algorithm MD5
For Linux:
md5sum <File>
List the vSwitches from ESXI using CLI: esxcli network vswitch standard list output example: vSwitch0 Name: vSwitch0 Class...