We can reset the root esxi password using host profiles when its connected with Vcenter Servcer. Steps to follow: 1. Login to the vCenter WebClient 2. Go to Home and then choose Host Profiles from Operations and Policies Section. 3. Choose > Extract profile from a host. 4. In the Extract Host Profile menu wizard > Select the host you want to update the password for. 5. Name the Host Profile and click Next and then Finish to complete the capture of the host profile template. - The new host profile should appear on the Host Profile Objects Field. 6. Right Click the new Host Profile or using the Actions menu choose > Edit Settings 7. In the 'Edit Host Profile' Wizard. Uncheck all boxes. 8. Then using the search filter search for > root 9. Highlight and then select the check box for > root 10. A configurable window will display the root User configuration. 11. At the Password subsection, choose > Fixed password configuration 12. Here you will fill in the new pa...