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Showing posts from November, 2020

Reset ESXi Root Password when connected with Vcenter Server

 We can reset the root esxi password using host profiles when its connected with Vcenter Servcer. Steps to follow: 1. Login to the vCenter WebClient 2. Go to Home and then choose Host Profiles from Operations and Policies Section. 3. Choose > Extract profile from a host. 4. In the Extract Host Profile menu wizard > Select the host you want to update the password for. 5. Name the Host Profile and click Next and then Finish to complete the capture of the host profile template.  - The new host profile should appear on the Host Profile Objects Field. 6. Right Click the new Host Profile or using the Actions menu choose > Edit Settings 7. In the 'Edit Host Profile' Wizard. Uncheck all boxes. 8. Then using the search filter search for > root 9. Highlight and then select the check box for > root 10. A configurable window will display the root User configuration. 11. At the Password subsection, choose > Fixed password configuration 12. Here you will fill in the new pa...