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Showing posts from January, 2020

How to verify esxi is physical or nested virtual

Once you login to ESXI through ssh, We can findout the esxi is nexted virtual or physical hardware using below command esxcli hardware platform get 1) if its nested esxi:  Vendor name will be "Vmware inc" Platform Information    UUID:    Product Name: VMware7,1     Vendor Name: VMware, Inc.    Serial Number: VMware-    IPMI Supported: false 2)If its phsical hardware: Vendor Name will be hardware model  Product Name: PRIMERGY RX2530 M2    Vendor Name: FUJITSU

Restart iscsi software service in esxi

To restart the software iSCSI stack ,we have to follow below steps Disable the software iSCSI : esxcfg-swiscsi -d Terminate the software iSCSI processes with the command: esxcfg-swiscsi -k In some cases, the iSCSI stack is in an unresponsive state and does not terminate on this command. If this happens, you must find the process ID and issue a terminate command directly to the operating system for this process. Obtain the process ID for the vmkiscsi processes with the command: ps ax | grep vmkiscsid Terminate the process with the command: kill <process ID> Enable the software iSCSI configuration with the command: esxcfg-swiscsi -e Perform a rescan of the software initiator with the command: esxcfg-rescan vmhba40